Monday, February 23, 2015

Florida: The Pill Popper's Paradise

Image result for florida and prescription drugs broward county

OxyContin Express Film

Before watching the film OxyContin Express I knew that America had an illicit prescription drug problem but I was shocked to find out that Florida was the pill popper’s paradise and the main go-to state for prescribed drugs. Finding out that Broward County had one of the highest amount of pain clinics (100) in the nation where individuals from all over the country comes to get prescribed drugs was very shocking since it is so close to home. Florida, unlike most other states did not have a prescription drug management plan which makes it easier for pain clinics to give out pills to patients without any real cause. The film stated that about 11 people die in Florida a day from drug overdose. I, like many others think that not enough attention is being placed on the rising drug problem. This easy access of pills has people coming from all over the country to get pills that has become a huge problem in the state of Kentucky. A Kentucky sheriff also points out that Florida is making all the money while Kentucky is feeling the pain. People would come to Florida, buy pills and take it to another state where the pills are hard to find and sell it there for more. I think that Florida needs to take the initiative to cut down on the illicit prescription drug problem that are taking many lives and leaving families torn, either by death, addiction, or being placed in jail.
            Florida since then has implemented a drug management program which would reduce some of the problems like the pipeline that has been created. I think that Florida needs to have the DEA keep a close eye on all the clinics and hospitals that gave out prescription drugs. Those individuals that are writing the prescription need to make sure that there is a real reason that their patients are receiving the pills. They need to double check that they have not been given medication before, since this seems to be a huge problem. Right amounts also need to be given. I think in order for all of the above to work, each individual is going to have to be place on a data state/national data base which can be used to search a patient to see the prescription amount, if they have been given the pills already and for what reason the pill are being prescribed. This way certain individuals are held reliable under the law and this problem can be stopped. It is important for the state of Florida to do something about the mess that has gone untouched for a long time. More lives are at risk and the problem is known, so why not go after it. Cracking down on process of distributing prescribed drugs will decrease the pill pipeline by not giving more pills than needed to each individual. By having such a system, errors would be less likely so that real patients would be treated and not addicts.
              We have learned from class that drugs can be very addictive and it hurts to see individuals getting hooked on medication that is supposed to help make them feel better. In reality many are plagued by addiction and getting into further trouble with the law in numerous ways as seen in the film. We have learnt that drugs can be made from many different substances, and those on the streets are less potent than those that are made for pharmacies. These drugs are legal but they are being dispersed in illegal manners making prescription pills so dangerous especially when used without drugs.

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